AI dominated the discussion at Davos 2024

The Davos 2024 World Economic Forum has concluded, leaving a lasting impression on the global discourse on artificial intelligence (AI). This year, AI emerged as a central theme, reflecting its increasing importance and integration into every aspect of our lives, work and businesses. Here, we delve into the key talking points from the event, highlighting how global leaders are navigating the opportunities and challenges driven by AI.

1. The Future of Work and AI

The impact of AI on the future of work and the labour market was a hot topic at Davos 2024. There was a broad acknowledgement of the dual nature of AI as both a disruptor and an enabler in the workforce. Discussions centred on the efficiencies AI will create, but also the need for reskilling and upskilling initiatives to prepare the global workforce for an AI-driven economy. The forum called for partnerships between governments and businesses in the age of AI.

2. Emphasis on AI Governance and Ethical Frameworks

A significant portion of the discussions at Davos 2024 revolved around the need for robust governance structures and ethical frameworks to guide AI development and deployment. Leaders underscored the importance of creating transparent, accountable, and inclusive systems to ensure that AI technologies benefit humanity as a whole. There was a consensus on the urgency of addressing AI’s ethical implications, particularly concerning privacy, security, and bias, to foster trust and safety in AI applications.

3. Investment in AI Research and Development

The need for continued investment in AI research and development to spur innovation and address global challenges was widely recognised. Leaders advocated for public and private sector collaboration to fund AI projects that prioritise social good and offer solutions to pressing issues like healthcare, poverty, and education. The importance of fostering an environment conducive to research and innovation, where AI can flourish while being aligned with human values and ethical standards, was also stressed.

4. AI’s Role in Climate Change and Sustainability

AI’s potential to tackle climate change and promote sustainability was another critical theme. Innovations in AI are proving instrumental in analysing climate data, optimising energy use, and developing sustainable solutions across industries. Participants shared case studies and projects where AI is being used to enhance environmental protection efforts, from reducing carbon emissions to conserving biodiversity.

5. Global Cooperation on AI

Finally, the forum underscored the importance of global cooperation in shaping the future of AI. The interconnected nature of today’s world means that AI’s impacts transcend national borders, necessitating a coordinated international response. There were calls for establishing global standards for AI that respect diversity and promote mutual understanding among nations.


Davos 2024 has made it clear that AI is touching upon every aspect of human life and the discussions reflected a growing awareness of the complexities in harnessing AI for the greater good. As we move forward, the insights from Davos 2024 are likely to play a role in shaping the global agenda on AI, emphasising the need for innovation, fair access and international collaboration. The challenge now lies in translating these discussions into actions that ensure AI serves as a force for positive change in the world.

As an AI Consultancy, Fifty One Degrees advices on AI in finance and AI in retail, as well as many other industries, and we would love to discuss your adoption of AI.

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