Fractional AI Officer Documentation

Fractional AI Officer process

1. Kickoff process


In preparation for the initial meetings, we start by reviewing key documentation.

We will also try to define the Key Stakeholders and the Delivery Team. Key Stakeholders typically include leaders from Tech, AI and Data, Operations, Compliance, HR and any other relevant function (e.g. Transformation, Strategy, etc, if they exist). Members of the Delivery Team are typically ambitious, motivated and open team members from the following functions; engineering, data science or analytics, operations and sales or marketing.

We will also distribute a brief questionnaire for stakeholders to complete before the meeting. This can help identify priorities, concerns, and current AI maturity levels across different departments. It will also enable us to propose a clear framework for assessing the company’s AI readiness and to ensure alignment between stakeholders’ perceptions, potential and reality. 

Client documentation requested (if available):

  • Stakeholder questionnaire
  • High-level business objectives and annual business plan
  • Company vision and values
  • Organisational structure chart, list of stakeholders and resource allocation
  • Current communication tools being used
  • Technology architecture diagrams
  • Existing AI and data initiatives or projects
  • Relevant assurance, consultancy reports or technology audits
  • Current data governance policies

Decisions needed:

  • Define key stakeholders and delivery team

Welcome and kickoff

The first meeting will be a kickoff session and the main agenda points are:

  • To introduce the Fifty One Degrees team to key stakeholders within your organisation and inform them on current AI trends and opportunities
  • Review any perceived risks identified from AI adoption within the business
  • Identify broad opportunities for automation, and potential benefits (e.g. improved customer experience, operational efficiency, reduce risks)


In this meeting, we will debate the primary objectives of the engagement, which will direct our ongoing R&D and advice. We will also establish the best communication channels.


  • Key Stakeholders
  • Fifty One Degrees team


Decisions needed:

  • Define the primary AI and data objectives
  • Define communication plan and ways of working

Discovery workshop

This will be an in-depth workshop to understand your highest priority business functions and processes, as well as your current data, AI and technology capabilities, challenges, and goals. We aim to identify areas of opportunity and lay the groundwork for the AI strategy we will develop together. 

We will also consider external benchmarking and change processes in subsequent workshops.


  • Key Stakeholders
  • Delivery Team
  • Fifty One Degrees team


Decisions needed:

  • Define the high-priority business functions and processes
  • Define the areas of opportunity for AI and data projects
  • Define success criteria

Fractional AI Officer process

2. Strategy development

Data & infrastructure review

We will assess your existing infrastructure, architecture, data assets and tools to understand where improvements or enhancements are needed. This will include reviewing data accessibility, data quality, storage, and integration points with current systems.

Client documentation requested (if available):

  • Any available information on data infrastructure and architecture
  • Overview of data assets
  • Data governance policies

Strategy & roadmap development

Based on the discovery and data review, we will craft a tailored AI and data strategy. This will include both short-term and long-term objectives, aligned with your business strategy and the available resources.

We’ll also create a detailed AI and data roadmap, which will consider your business objectives, internal and external resource allocation, and budgets.

Initially, we’ll produce a long list of potential projects to be considered for prioritisation, then distil that list to a short list based on suitability for automation, expected business impact, expected development effort and blast radius. The roadmap will ensure a phased approach for measurable results and will also cater for architectural projects needed to facilitate the AI and data projects.

We will also produce a capability gap analysis, a change management strategy including cultural (reward based on improving AI), training requirements, ethical AI issues and how to monitor them, and plans for AI maintenance and sustainability.

Client documentation requested (if available):

  • List of current bottlenecks, resource challenges, or inefficient business processes
  • Current internal resources, skills coverage and capacity
  • Budget for third-party support to accelerate projects
  • Project management tools in use

Decisions needed:

  • Define AI and data objectives
  • Define the project long list
  • Distil long list to shortlist

Fractional AI Officer process

3. Execution phase

Team alignment

We will work with the Key Stakeholders and Delivery Team to agree on delivery-focused roles and responsibilities, ensuring everyone understands the strategy and their part in its execution.

Client documentation requested (if available):

  • Existing team structure, skill sets and skills gaps
  • Details of any third-party vendors or partners that can support initiatives


We will support and oversee the design and implementation of any architectural changes required to facilitate the AI and data projects.

Client involvement:

  • Where internal teams are undertaking implementation, they will make the required changes in line with the specifications

Pilot projects

We will work with the available resources, whether internal or external, to scope, design and build small-scale pilot project(s), or Proof-of-Concept(s) (PoCs), that can build confidence, capability and help refine the overall AI strategy. These PoCs will be designed to demonstrate the value of AI solutions while minimising risks.

Decisions needed:

  • Define initial PoC(s)
  • Where internal teams are undertaking implementation, they will build the PoCs in line with the specification

Monitoring and iteration

We will regularly review the progress of AI initiatives, address any challenges, and make necessary adjustments. This ensures the projects stay on track and deliver the intended outcomes.

Client documentation requested (if available):

  • Project reporting and feedback mechanisms to track progress and gather insights

Fractional AI Officer process

4. Strategy evolution

Performance reporting

We’ll provide regular reports on project status, key metrics, outcomes, and any insights gained. These reports will help guide decision-making and ensure transparency throughout the engagement.

Strategy evolution

As business objectives evolve, so too will the AI and data strategy. By continuously reviewing the performance of previous projects, we’ll identify key insights that inform adjustments to the overall approach. This ensures the strategy remains aligned with shifting priorities and emerging opportunities. Regular performance reviews and feedback loops will allow us to adapt both the roadmap and individual initiatives, ensuring continued relevance and value across all efforts.

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